Oqtane Developers Meeting - December 2024

December 04, 2024

By: Shaun Walker

Status Updates

6.0.0 released on November 14, 2024 during .NET Conf 2024 and the official launch of .NET 9

Contributors: @sbwalker, @thabaum, @leigh-pointer, @zyhfish, @mdmontesinos, @HQuast

6.0.0 Launch Event

The official Oqtane 6.0.0 launch event was held on November 20, 2024 and included Daniel Roth, Principal Product Manager for ASP.NET Core & Blazor at Microsoft, as a guest speaker. The launch event focused on the new capabilities of .NET 9 and how they are utilized in Oqtane. The recording from the event is available on YouTube.

Security Policy

As the popularity and adoption of Oqtane continues to grow, it is garnering more attention from independent security researchers who focus their efforts on evaluating open source software for vulnerabilities. GitHub provides a workflow for engaging with these stakeholders, and one of the requirement is that a project must have an officially published security policy. So Oqtane recently added a security policy to its main repository. Vulnerability (CVE) reporting is a healthy part of every successful open source project and we are looking forward to engaging with the broader security community to ensure the platform is highly secure.

Building Oqtane Modules with Syncfusion

On November 22, 2024 Oqtane partnered with Syncfusion to do a public webinar titled "Building Oqtane Modules with Syncfusion". The presentation was focused on how to use third party UI component libraries to create Oqtane modules. The sample application utilized the Syncfusion org chart component to create a full featured org chart module. The recording from the webinar is available on the Syncfusion website.

Open at Microsoft

On December 2, 2024 Oqtane was featured on the Open At Microsoft show, a weekly show for open-source enthusiasts using .NET. The episode was titled "Introduction to Oqtane - Rocket Fuel For Blazor!" and was hosted by Frank Boucher from Microsoft. Frank provided the following summary of the project "Oqtane is one of those great projects that is good for everyone. It helps with generating web application that can be customized the way you like it. Then like a Content Management System (CSM) you don't need code to manage all the content. It's secure, open-source and has a nice community behind it". The recording is available on the Microsoft Learn website.


The next Oqtane release will be version 6.0.1 and is expected to be available in December.

The next Oqtane Core Team Meeting will be on January 8, 2024.

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