Oqtane continues to evolve and find new ways to serve the needs of the Microsoft community... both as a modular application framework for developers as well as a platform for supporting .NET community initiatives such as Built On Blazor! and .NET Foundation Project Trends.
Aliases are a core concept in Oqtane as they are responsible for mapping a Url to the appropriate tenant and site. In 3.0.2 the framework was enhanced with improvements to Alias management. In particular it is now possible to identify a specific alias as the default which instructs the framework to redirect all requests for non-default aliases to the default. This is beneficial for a number of reasons - the primary being the mitigation of duplicate content from an SEO perspective. The framework was also enhanced with logic to auto register a new alias in those cases where an installation only has a single tenant and site defined. This streamlines the configuration process which is especially useful in development environments.
Operational support aspects of the framework have also been improved in 3.0.2 to provide more insight and control over the run-time behavior of the application in a production environment. Examples include the ability to better manage asynchronous processinng jobs and filtering visitors based on user agent, IP address, or language. Many of these enhancements were identified as a result of dog fooding the framework as part of running Oqtane on Microsoft Azure to deliver .NET community sites such as Built On Blazor! and .NET Foundation Project Trends.
This release includes 35 pull requests by 4 different contributors, pushing the total number of project commits all-time to over 2600. The Oqtane framework continues to evolve at a rapid pace to meet the needs of .NET developers. The 3.0.2 release is available for download on GitHub.